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Greetings, fellow humans! I'm a proud dad of two awesome kids, and my other love is Cloud! Working for 20+ years in tech has taught me 2 things; always have a backup and yes, it was the network! When I'm not working as CTO, AWS @SoftwareOne, I write blogs and occasionally do a bit of podcasting too...-
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- Is the Cloud actually greener?
- TekBytes #5: The Current State of Cloud Security
- TekBytes #4: Why I’ve Switched to Simple Markdown in WordPress
- Answer Honestly: Are you Ersatz Cloud Native?
- TekBytes #3: A Certification Haiku for the vExpert Announcement!
- TekBytes #2: The Complexity of Public Cloud Architecture
- TekBytes #1 – CloudSpotting – A New Tech Podcast
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Tag Archives: SSD
VulcanCast Follow Up – A few thoughts on 60TB SSDs
So last week I was kindly invited to share a ride in Marc Farley‘s car (not as dodgy as it sounds, I promise!). The premise was to discuss the [..]
Data Corruption – The Silent Killer (aka Cosmic Rays are baaaad mmmkay?)
If you have worked in the IT industry for a reasonable amount of time, you have probably heard the term bit rot, referring to the gradual decay of [..]
You had me at Tiered Non-Volatile Memory!
Memory isn’t cheap! Despite the falling costs and increasing sizes of DRAM DIMMS, it’s still damned expensive compared to most non-volatile media at a price per GB. What’s [..]
Secondary can be just as important as Primary
There can be little doubt these days, that the future of the storage industry for primary transactional workloads is All Flash. Finito, that ship has sailed, the door [..]