Just a very quick post today…
I don’t often write blog posts either responding to, or recommending things, as I usually just fire them out on Twitter or LinkedIn.
That said, I enjoyed this particular podcast episode so much, I felt I needed to share it with my [two] subscribers via a post!
Storage Unpacked
I have been listing with great interest to Chris Evans and Martin Glassborow’s new Storage Unpacked podcast for the past couple of months. If you are either a storage afficionado, or even a generalist, i highly recommend it.
The particular episode I am referring to is Talking NAND Flash with Jim Handy, specifically Part One, released 6th Jan this year.
As someone who follows the storage industry with interest, this episode was a great insight as to the history and decisions which have led us to where we are with flash storage today, as well as some fascinating facts and figures.
I don’t want to preempt or spoil the episode, but for example did you know:
- Nanometer scale productions actually mean working at the scale of millionths of a millimeter
- Fabrication plants cost around $8 Billion each to make, and the machines involved in creating the chips cost about $100 million each!
- It takes 3 months to create a single chip from the raw materials!
These, and other interesting things can be found on the episode, below – I highly recommend you check it out (and dont forget to subscribe to their podcast)!
Talking NAND Flash with Jim Handy – Part One
Further Info
I listen to about 20+ podcasts on a regular basis (the one and only good thing about commuting every day to the office!). I need to do an updated article on them, but in the mean time, here is a list of some of my recommendations: