Open TechCast – The One with Pat Gelsinger

The title does kind of give it away, but the co-hosts of our humble little community podcast were fortunate to spend 40 minutes or so this week with VMware’s CEO, Pat Gelsinger.

We discussed Pat’s journey into to VMware, the difficulties of maintaining a healthy work/life balance, gender equality in the workplace, the transition from traditional licensing models, the future of SDDC and much, much more!

Needless to say, it’s been pretty difficult keeping this one under wraps, especially as we didn’t want to jinx it!

The Interview

Kev, Ather, Amit and myself were able to be there in person, but we also managed to dial in Gareth remotely from the UK via Zoom, for a full complement of co-hosts! At one point in the show we happened to be discussing Moore’s law, when Moore’s cousin Murphy decided to jump in unannounced!. Despite putting fresh new batteries into the recorder shortly before the interview, they gave up the ghost, mid-session!

Fortunately, our keen eyed co-host and sound man, Kev, spotted the issue and was able to avoid disaster! There were a nervous few minutes after the session when we were testing the recording for corruption, I can tell you! It just goes to show that no matter how much planning you do, unexpected events can still crop up!…

Anyway, massive thanks again to Pat for taking the time to hang out with us, and we very much look forward to a re-run next year if the opportunity arises! 🙂

How can I listen?!

If you want to catch this extra-special episode of the Open TechCast, you can tune in at:

We also have another very special guest coming up in our next episode, so make sure to subscribe to the show using your favourite pod catcher of choice, and follow us at @OpenTechCast on Twitter!

And finally… whatever you do, just keep an eye out for that Alan Renouf, he’ll be CEO before you know it…

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