For those of you who keep a regular eye on my ramblings and mutterings, you may have noticed that since my presentation at the London VMUG a couple of weeks ago, I have been very quiet on the blogging front! There is, in fact, a reason for this!…
The session itself was really interesting and loads of ideas and methods I had never even heard or thought of came out, exactly what I had hoped would be the outcome! Subsequently a number of people volunteered to help create a site for the rationalisation and curation of all of this awesome content and knowledge, which we have dubbed the Open Homelab Project.
We are still in pre-alpha for the site itself, but here are a couple of screenshots of some of the content in production. Once it goes live it will be a full wiki site with the ability for any registered community member to edit, contribute to and create content! Once we have reached a reasonable quantity of initial content, then the site URL will actually be released!
Right now we are keenly seeking a couple of things from community members who are interested in being involved:
- Start by following our @OpenHomelab account on twitter for all the latest news and updates (as well as a few random tweets when I post using the wrong account -now I get how easy it is for corporate people to randomly tweet to the wrong pipe by accident!)
- If you would like to get involved early on and help contribute to the initial release of content, please hit me up on twitter or DM the @OpenHomelab account with your email address for a Slack invitation.
- If you have any design talents, we are looking for a unique but simple logo for the site. The one we have at the moment is just a placeholder! We would ideally like a few entries from different people and the community can choose their favourite! Main requirements are that the logo:
- is square.
- has a reasonably clean look.
- has relatively few colours (in case we every want to print it on t-shirts, stickers, etc).
- Looks good when shrunk to 135px by 135px (as this is the standard size of the logo in MediaWiki.
- Beyond that, let your imagination run riot! All entries can be sent to me or the OpenHomelab project via Twitter DM.
So in answer to the question as to why I have haven’t been blogging for the last couple of weeks; it’s because I (along with the rest of the team) have been furiously producing content for the new site! I hope to return to normal service within a couple more weeks, but in the meantime, let me know if you want to be involved!