So I’m sitting in with a cup of strong coffee waiting for my delayed flight to BCN to attend VMworld and I thought I would jot down some quick thoughts.
Having worked with VMware products for fast approaching 10 years, it may sound strange to say, but this is my first VMworld! Historically I worked for a significant period of my career at a VMware competitor, and let’s just say it was a bit tricky to get sign off to attend any paid competitor events… Fortunately my current employer is a VMware Partner who sees the value in VMworld attendance and is sending a number of people, including myself!
I have read through a bunch of posts from people who have been to VMworld in the past and there is some great advice, but I suspect even so I will probably make the cardinal offence of trying to bite off more than I can chew. I have planned to attend quite a number of live breakout sessions, in part because I simply don’t always have the luxury of the time to watch the videos at home. I plan to spend time at the HoLs whenever possible, especially to play with NSX, and I will definitely be hitting the solution hall (in part to get a hands on look at the new EVO kit). Finally I will be trying my best to take as many notes as I can at each session (I may even take a stab at a bit of live blogging), and anything worth publishing / sharing will go up on here, so sign up to the RSS Feed if would like to see any of that. The posts may not be my normally perfectly crafted works of art (cough), so please forgive any mistakes!
In between all of that, the plan is to take advantage of the biggest resource at the event, like minded individuals! 🙂
In terms of the sessions I am signed up for there is a distinct leaning towards technologies around networking and storage, and automation; all of the areas where I think there are the most exciting things happening. A couple of sessions I will also definitely be attending are Ask the Expert vBloggers and Chad / Vaughn’s annual roadshow.
Finally I just want to wish good luck to all the #LonVMUG guys who are presenting sessions or tech talks at the vBrownbag area.
If you are attending and you see me, feel free to say hi. I’m 6’7” tall, so you can’t miss me!