Just a quick reminder about the upcoming UK VMUG at the National Motorcycle Museum, Coventry Road Bickenhill, Solihull, B92 0EJ on 21st November (kicking off the night before with the Veeam vCurry for those in the area – registration required I believe).
For those of you who haven’t previously attended, a VMUG is a great place to:
- Meet and swap ideas with other virtualisation professionals in the community. A great opportunity to put real faces to all those twitterati with whom you have had many conversations with over time, but aren’t quite sure what they actually look like (especially if they’re particularly selective about which photos they use)! 🙂
- See some great presentations from other community members. Some of my most memorable have been things like the community discussion after the announcement of vCHS, network virtualisation from Greg Ferro (one of the best tech presentations I’ve been fortunate enough to attend, anywhere!), and Scott Lowe’s inspiring closing keynote on learning at last years event.
- See some very interesting vendor presentation. Usually there are a variety so its a good way to keep up on the latest developments. Also they help pay for the events, so love em or hate em, the vendors make it possible!
The agenda is available here:
UK VMUG Agenda – 21st Nov 2013
I’m most looking forward to Knowledge Exchange by Duncan Epping (last years one was very interesting) and VMware Virtual SAN – All You Wanted to Know by Cormac Hogan. Unfortunately they’re both scheduled at the same time, so will have to make a call on the day! 🙁
Greg Ferro is also a great speaker, so his closing keynote is one to stay for.
Of the other sessions, I think the following look very interesting:
- Securing VMware Virtual Environments, Sam McGeown
- Introduction to Overlay Networking, Greg Ferro
- NSX Technical, VMware – Scott Lowe
- Data In; Data Out – vCHS, VMware – Mike Laverick
As always the quality and choice means I will ultimately end up missing some sessions due to not being able to be in two places at once. An enviable position when you think about it!
However you look at it, VMUGs are great FREE events organised in their spare time by some very generous people (Jane Rimmer, Alaric Davies, Stuart Thompson, Simon Gallagher & Martyn Storey). If you can get the time out of the office, and make it to the venue I promise you won’t be disappointed!
Register for UK VMUG here, get the latest news by following @LonVMUG on Twitter and don’t forget to join in the conversation throughout the day using the hashtag #ukvmug
If you see me at the UK VMUG or (if I make it) the vCurry night before, don’t hesitate to come and say hi; you cant miss me, I’m 6’7″!