Monthly Archives: September 2017

Counting Clouds and Operating VMware – Another Awesome Open TechCast Guest!

On day two of VMworld Barcelona 2017, our team of intrepid podcasters were able to catch up with Chief Operating Officer of Customer Operations, Sanjay Poonen, for a [..]

Career, Podcasting, VMware , , , , , , , , ,

Open TechCast – The One with Pat Gelsinger

The title does kind of give it away, but the co-hosts of our humble little community podcast were fortunate to spend 40 minutes or so this week with [..]

Podcasting, VMware , , , , , , ,

Docker – State of the Nation (aka Observations of a Brit)

It may surprise you to learn that Docker is actually quite old now (at least in Startup terms!), having released the first version of their very cool software [..]

Cloud, Docker, Tech Field Day , , , , , , , , , , ,